> melinda olson | web developer <

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my portfolio

Rogue Pickings Website

Rogue Pickings Website

HTML & CSS from Photoshop Design Comp

In this site layout I used a Photoshop Design Composition to get the dimensions, colors, fonts, and spacing for the website. The example webpage is from a food truck and has navigation bar that leaves room to link to external pages if desired.

Jubilee Austen Project

HTML 5 & CSS Website

In this site layout I used a Photoshop Design Composition to get the dimensions, colors, fonts, and spacing for the website. This is an example of a personal website and is static. The navigation bar links to different part of the page.

Jubilee Austen Project
Holstee Manifesto

Holstee Manifesto

HTML 5 & CSS Exercise

For this exercise I was suppose to make layout that used multiple fonts, colors, and spacings while incorporating the Holstee Manifesto.

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